Hair Restoration: Is Your Poor Diet to Blame for Your Hair Loss

Hair Restoration | Is Your Poor Diet to Blame for Your Hair Loss | Vivant Med Spa | Itasca, Illinois

Genetic factors frequently play a role in hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, often known as male- or female-pattern baldness, is a highly prevalent disorder that is mainly inherited. But excessive hair loss can also be caused by poor diet and nutrition.

Hair loss is something that most people experience at some point in their lives. It happens to everyone and can be caused by many different factors.

Before you begin to look into the subject of hair restoration, there are some things that you first need to understand. Even though it may be challenging to accept at first, losing your hair is simply part of being human.

For you to gain more knowledge on this subject and learn how to prevent further damage from occurring in the future (and gain back some lost confidence), we are here to give you the information you need.

What is hair restoration?

A hair transplant is a technique that fills up bald or thinning areas of the scalp with hair. It is also known as hair restoration or hair replacement. It is utilized by individuals who have already tried other hair loss treatments.

Hair restoration is a complex process requiring much time, effort, and expertise from experts in this field of medicine. Suppose one wants their new hairline to be successful. In that case, they should find out about all their options before committing themselves fully to any treatment plan, depending on what type of procedure will work best for them without causing further damage.

Learning things about your hair

The first thing that needs to be understood is that your hair is an extension of your skin. Your skin is made up of keratin, the same protein in your hair and nails. They are very similar in structure, which means they work together as one system to keep you healthy and happy!

When you think of the hair follicle, what comes to mind? Do you think of a small bump on your scalp that produces hair strands?

The follicle is the essential part of your hair, as it produces keratin, which gives your strands their strength. And keratin is a protein responsible for making up 90% of every strand of hair on your head.

When you lose a lot of hair at once, you may have an underlying problem with one or more follicles—and in this case, there could be something wrong with them. Hormonal imbalances and illnesses like cancer can also result in hair loss.; however, these issues are less common than other causes, such as poor nutrition or genetics.

When we talk about how important our diet can be for our health, it’s easy to overlook this fact – but it should never be ignored because it affects every single aspect of life from the inside out! We need good nutrition if we want solid bodies or smooth skin (or both!), so don’t forget what goes into those foods when choosing them for yourself or your family members too!

How Your Diet Affects Hair Loss?

It’s not just the nutrients essential for hair but also how they are absorbed and utilized. The nutrients in food can be divided into two categories: non-nutrient properties and nutrient properties. Non-nutrients include color, flavor, and texture. In contrast, nutrient properties include vitamins and minerals essential in keeping your body healthy.

Lack of micronutrients

  • Iron Deficiency. The most common nutritional insufficiency in the world is iron deficiency, which can result in hair loss. According to some research, those who experience hair loss typically have lower iron levels in their blood and hair than those who don’t.
  • Vitamin D. The health of your hair follicles and hair development is significantly influenced by vitamin D. Women who experience female pattern hair loss. According to research, those with the autoimmune skin condition alopecia areata had lower vitamin D levels.
  • Zinc. Zinc is a mineral crucial for immune system health, protein synthesis, cellular division, and other processes. It is essential for the health of hair follicles and serves as a safeguard against shrinking and slower growth. It also aids in the healing of hair follicles.

Protein and calorie restriction

The food we eat on any given day affects our body’s ability to produce hair and skin cells. If you don’t consume the right foods, your body won’t be able to create new cells or keratin required for making hair. In addition, if you don’t get enough protein in your diet, you’ll also have trouble with your skin because it relies on this same nutrient.

Hair loss can result from insufficient protein and calories, such as in low-calorie diets. Your follicles require a regular supply of protein and energy to develop and operate correctly, and the hair is susceptible to these deficits.

There are also more ways in which eating too few calories and too little protein can harm health. Getting enough calories and eating a diet rich in protein-rich foods are essential for ensuring your body gets the nutrients it requires.

Loss of weight

Hair loss can happen when someone loses a large amount of weight. Vitamin deficiencies can result in hair loss following bariatric surgery, contrary to what you may believe. Intriguingly, the stress of the operation and the quick weight loss that accompanies it may be the reasons in some patients.

Using supplements

It may be possible to maintain the health and speed of your hair growth by taking certain nutrients in supplement form. Other dietary supplements, however, may have the opposite impact. In reality, hair loss has been linked to various vitamins. High amounts of some nutritional supplements might damage your hair, even if you don’t have a vitamin shortage.

Other factors that lead to hair loss

There are numerous factors why this number can increase significantly. Stress is the most common cause of hair loss.

Hormones such as testosterone and estrogen significantly determine how much hair you have on your head. If you don’t have enough testosterone in your system or your estrogen levels are too high, you might also experience baldness!

Genetics also play an essential role since genetics determine whether or not someone will develop HA while they’re young; however, it’s also possible for anyone who suffers from HA to try preventing further damage caused by those genes by taking specific steps such as eating healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables which help keep things like cancer at bay.

What does a poor diet do to your hair?

A healthy diet is essential for healthy hair. Not consuming the right foods in your diet will result in poor cell production, hair loss, and thinning strands.

A poor diet can cause:

  • brittle hair
  • dry hair
  • oily scalp
  • dandruff

The most common foods that are bad for our scalps include:

  • fried foods (including chips)
  • sugar-laden snacks like cakes and pastries
  • processed meats such as bacon or sausage links
  • coffee drinks 
  • alcohol consumption results in dehydration of the scalp, leading to itchiness, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.

Revive your hair with hair restoration

There are many reasons our diet can affect hair loss. If you suspect that this may be the case for you or someone you know, then they must take some time to research what exactly causes hair thinning.

Vivant Med Spa will be able to provide information about hair loss that could help prevent further damage from occurring before it becomes too late. Get in touch with us to know everything about hair restoration!

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